Saturday, April 2, 2011

Originally uploaded by bpcolumbus

Been going to the gym and working out with weights. My arms and legs are stronger and even have some muscle definition. Every time I move my arm or leg, I can feel my muscles contract. There's a tensing that reminds me, hey you're alive and actively engaged in what's going on. Wouldn't it be wonderful if our spiritual lives were working in the same way? Every time we met some one our spiritual muscle would contract and we would be a blessing rather than criticle or worse yet, totally ignore them? We should feel the "burn" of pushing pass our spiritual comfort zone. If we are not exercising our ears to listen for God's voice every day, we can become weak and ineffective in God's kingdom. He can not use us if we are not strong enough, and we need to be strong enough to face life's challenges. My challenge is to develop the habits that will produce consistentcy , which will produce change and growth in my life.